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Build your first Astro island

Use a Preact component to greet your visitors with a randomly-selected welcome message!

Get ready to…

  • Add Preact to your Astro project
  • Include Astro islands (Preact .jsx components) on your home page
  • Use client: directives to make islands interactive

Add Preact to your Astro project

  1. If it’s running, quit the dev server to have access to the terminal (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + C).

  2. Add the ability to use Preact components in your Astro project with a single command:

    Terminal window
    npx astro add preact
  3. Follow the command line instructions to confirm adding Preact to your project.

Include a Preact greeting banner

This component will take an array of greeting messages as a prop and randomly select one of them to show as a welcome message. The user can click a button to get a new random message.

  1. Create a new file in src/components/ named Greeting.jsx

    Note the .jsx file extension. This file will be written in Preact, not Astro.

  2. Add the following code to Greeting.jsx:

    import { useState } from 'preact/hooks';
    export default function Greeting({messages}) {
    const randomMessage = () => messages[(Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length))];
    const [greeting, setGreeting] = useState(messages[0]);
    return (
    <h3>{greeting}! Thank you for visiting!</h3>
    <button onClick={() => setGreeting(randomMessage())}>
    New Greeting
  3. Import and use this component on your Home page index.astro.

    import BaseLayout from '../layouts/BaseLayout.astro';
    import Greeting from '../components/Greeting.jsx';
    const pageTitle = "Home Page";
    <BaseLayout pageTitle={pageTitle}>
    <h2>My awesome blog subtitle</h2>
    <Greeting messages={["Hi", "Hello", "Howdy", "Hey there"]} />

    Check the preview in your browser: you should see a random greeting, but the button won’t work!

  4. Add a second <Greeting /> component with the client:load directive.

    import BaseLayout from '../layouts/BaseLayout.astro';
    import Greeting from '../components/Greeting';
    const pageTitle = "Home Page";
    <BaseLayout pageTitle={pageTitle}>
    <h2>My awesome blog subtitle</h2>
    <Greeting messages={["Hi", "Hello", "Howdy", "Hey there"]} />
    <Greeting client:load messages={["Hej", "Hallo", "Hola", "Habari"]} />
  5. Revisit your page and compare the two components. The second button works because the client:load directive tells Astro to send and rerun its JavaScript on the client when the page loads, making the component interactive. This is called a hydrated component.

  6. Once the difference is clear, remove the non-hydrated Greeting component.

    import BaseLayout from '../layouts/BaseLayout.astro';
    import Greeting from '../components/Greeting';
    const pageTitle = "Home Page";
    <BaseLayout pageTitle={pageTitle}>
    <h2>My awesome blog subtitle</h2>
    <Greeting messages={["Hi", "Hello", "Howdy", "Hey there"]} />
    <Greeting client:load messages={["Hej", "Hallo", "Hola", "Habari"]} />

Analyze the Pattern

There are other client: directives to explore. Each sends the JavaScript to the client at a different time. client:visible, for example, will only send the component’s JavaScript when it is visible on the page.

Consider an Astro component with the following code:

import BaseLayout from '../layouts/BaseLayout.astro';
import AstroBanner from '../components/AstroBanner.astro';
import PreactBanner from '../components/PreactBanner';
import SvelteCounter from '../components/SvelteCounter.svelte';
<AstroBanner />
<PreactBanner />
<PreactBanner client:load />
<SvelteCounter />
<SvelteCounter client:visible />
  1. Which of the five components will be hydrated islands, sending JavaScript to the client?

  2. In what way(s) will the two <PreactBanner /> components be the same? In what way(s) will they be different?

  3. Assume the SvelteCounter component shows a number and has a button to increase it. If you couldn’t see your website’s code, only the live published page, how would you tell which of the two <SvelteCounter /> components used client:visible?

Test your knowledge

For each of the following components, identify what will be sent to the browser:

  1. <ReactCounter client:load/>

  2. <SvelteCard />

